This Web site was revived in Nov 2020 after a lapse of about 10 years as an event listing service, but has since relapsed. Nicely Inspiring Compassion Everywhere will serve most of the other former functionalities of SoCalVeg.
Till this Web site is more functional and up-to-date, please also use the currently not sufficiently up-to-date
SoCalVeg assumes no responsibility or liability for anything resulting from listing events, or affiliating with events, or classifying events, or organizing events. Unless stated otherwise, organizers and participants do not assume any related legal obligations, responsibilities or liabilities, but are expected to behave in a civil and orderly manner, and adhere to any event policies. Attendees participate at their own risk. Indoor activities, outdoor activities, in-person social interactions and sharing foods have some associated risks, including injuries, allergies, transmissible illnesses and food poisoning. Whilst SoCalVeg endeavors to ensure that the information provided by SoCalVeg is fairly accurate, SoCalVeg assumes no responsibility or liability for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading information or classification.
Web site management - For Goodness